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Board of Directors 2023-24

If you would like to email one of our directors, please email, and your email will be forwarded accordingly.


Chris Bedwell - President

Christine (Chris) and her husband Todd bought their property on LCO in 2013. Chris was the COLA treasurer from 2016 through 2021 before taking over as president, and she works full-time as a virtual assistant at the company she started 20 years ago. She grew up in Chippewa Falls and lived in the Twin Cities for 30 years where she raised her two sons before moving to Hayward full time in 2017. Term (3-yr) expires 2025.


kurt schroeder - Vice President

Kurt and Julie Schroeder bought their property on Court Oreilles Lake Drive in 2019. Kurt’s family traces back to the 1920s with property on Thoroughfare Road. He is a retired architect living in La Crosse. He enjoys sailing in the summer, cross-country skiing in the winter, and being next to such a beautiful lake. He is pleased to serve on the COLA board to ensure the future of Lac Courte Oreilles for generations to come. Term (3-yr) expires 2024.


Andy Vergeront - treasurer

Andy has had a place on LCO with his wife, Tammy, since 2013. They moved to their lake home on Winters Point full-time in 2022 after he retired from a career in Finance at General Mills in the Minneapolis area. 

 Andy enjoys training for and skiing in the Birkie during the winter, and golfing, fishing, gardening, mountain biking and hiking when the snow is gone. He and Tammy have 2 adult children and a new grandson. Term (3-yr) expires 2027.


Jess Brickner - secretary

In the fall of 2017, Jessie and his wife Tahnae bought their first home and with their dogs, cats, and bearded dragons moved north from Appleton to Musky Bay. As a full-time system engineer for an adtech company, Jessie enjoys the comforts of being able to work from home with plenty of time to pursue his true passion - fishing. He can often be found cruising the lake in search of walleye. The water quality and fishery of the lake and the dedication of COLA in preserving those qualities was a big factor in their decision to buy property on LCO. Jessie hopes to provide a small part in the fishing success of future generations of lake enthusiasts. Term (3-yr) expires 2025.


Jeff Aspenwall

Term (3-yr) expires 2024.


Caitlin Hagar-Kuhn

Caitlin and her family have a home on Little LCO where they love to fish and kayak. She is a native of Onalaska, in the heart of Wisconsin’s Driftless Region. There, she and her husband (Chad) enjoy kayaking Mississippi tributaries with their 2 dogs, watching their boys’ baseball games and hiking the many blufflines. Caitlin works full time as a GIS Consultant for Locana and is Past President of Women in GIS. You’ll also find her involved in the AIS mission using GIS. Term (3-yr) expires 2026


Mike persson

Term (1-yr) renews 2024.



Logan enjoys spending time at LCO during the summer months at his family's stone cottage, which his grandparents (Ed and Ruth Ricci) purchased in 1960. Weather pending, Logan tries to get on the water in some fashion or another; swimming, sailing, skiing, name it. Logan joined COLA in September 2023 and is excited to preserve and enhance the quality of LCO for the betterment of future generations. Outside of COLA, Logan lives in Minneapolis and works full-time as a Civil Engineer. 


steve umland

Steve is a long-time lover of Lac Courte Oreilles. He started coming here almost every weekend since the 1980s and has lived here full time since 2003.

He has made many friends and has neighbors and family on the lake. Steve lived in a log cabin in Victory Heights for over 20 years and helped five close friends build their cabins everywhere from Barbertown Bay to Musky Bay.

He is passionate about water quality, especially controlling aquatic invasive species in both LCO and Little LCO. Term (3-yr) expires 2024.


david zimmer

David Zimmer is a 4th generation summer resident of Lac Courte Oreilles whose family first came to Wismo in 1907. David has come for 64 consecutive years and has children and grandchildren who want to carry on the legacy that means so much to him and his family. A native of Kansas City, David and his family will find almost any reason to slip away to LCO year round and enjoy what the lake has to offer. Term (3-yr) renews 2024.


ALF SIVERTSON - Senior Advisor

Alf Sivertson has been involved with COLA in various capacities, including board member and president, since its inception in 1994. In 1949, his father and grandfather built a cabin on the north shore of Chicago Bay. Now, with five places on the lake, the family is into its fifth generation enjoying this wonderful natural resource. He is dedicated to preserving the legacy of Lac Courte Oreilles—its water quality—so everyone can enjoy the experience for generations to come. Mr. Sivertson is president of Sivertson & Barrette, P.A., a litigation law firm in the Twin cities.