Eco-Beast Mauls Milfoil
Barbertown Bay, Musky Bay, Anchor Bay
The Eco-Beast has been feeding on aquatic invasive species (AIS) at both ends of LCO and sites in between since June 4. So, COLA and LCO Conservation decided to turn it loose on the worst outbreak of Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) we’ve ever monitored in Little LCO.
Much of the EWM could be seen at the surface, but a lot below. EWM likes to spread by breaking off fragments, drifting and sinking and re-rooting in the sediment. Many of the patches were right in the paths of being hit by boats and motors, sending fragments adrift. So, even though the Eco-Beast likes to gorge on all it can fragments are a real concern.
It took two tamers to control the Eco-Beast, but the heroes were the LCO Conservation crew and the volunteers from Little LCO and LCO who teamed up to run three satellite boats around the Eco-Beast netting fragments and filling buckets with additional gallons and gallons of the EWM.
Two of the Team standing by a satellite boat used to collect EWM fragments.
Three days in a row three stuffed trailer-loads were hauled out and away from the lake. If you know volume, a good 45 cubic yards of EWM were gobbled up by the EcoBeast in Little LCO.
It’ll be hungry again for more AIS, and we’ll be looking to turn it loose.
Satellites and the Eco-Beast.