Shoreland Stewardship
Best practices that are good for the lake, Good for the Fish, and good for yoU.
Evaluating the Effects of Nearshore Development on Wisconsin Lakes
The Water's Edge, Helping Fish and Wildlife on Your Waterfront Property
The Shoreland Stewardship Series, Protecting Our Living Shores
The Shoreland Stewardship Series, A Fresh Look at Shoreland Restoration
Shoreline Buffer Restoration, A Guide for Landowners
Shoreland Development Density and Impervious Surfaces
Impervious Surface Guidance - WDNR
Protecting Your Waterfront Investment
Designing Shoreland Stewardship Packets, A Guide for Wisconsin Lake Organizations
Design Recommendations for Riparian Corridors and Vegetated Buffer Strips
A Review of the Scientific Literature on Riparian Buffer Width, Extent and Vegetation
Protecting Your Waterfront Investment: Click Here.
COLA Shoreland Restoration Booklet: Click Here.
WATERS EDGE: Helping Fish and Wildlife on Your Waterfront Property. Click Here.